Disbursement Search
In order to search disbursements, or to find who your PAC is contributing to, click the magnifying glass and select Disbursements.
On this screen, you can search using various criteria within one more tabs on the left.
The General Tab allows you to search by any of the following options.
PAC/Bank Account: If you would like to search by all PACs, you can leave this selection blank.
Recipient Name: Allows you to search by the Political Committee name the disbursement was made out to.
Covering Period: Allows you to search for disbursements made during a certain time frame.
Amount: Allows you to search the disbursement within a certain monetary value.
Election Type: Allows you to search based on the election type.
Election Year: Allows you to search for a disbursement by the election year associated with the disbursement.
Check No: Allows you to search by a specific check number or range of numbers.
Clear Date: Allows you to search for disbursements marked cleared within a date range. This can be helpful when comparing the cleared checks on the monthly bank statement and Democracy Direct.
To perform an open‐ended search, leave one or more of the fields blank. For example, to search for all disbursements designated to the 2020 election as well as future elections, under Election Year, enter 2020 in the first field and leave the second field blank.